Bernice Collins-Shigwadja

Bernice Collins-Shigwadaja, apparel & clothing, bags & wallets, beadwork, beader, birch bark, crafts, craft maker, quilling, quillwork, ribbon skirts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Bernice Collins-Shigwadja

Bernice Collins-Shigwadja

Wikwemikong First Nation

My name is Bernice Collins-Shigwadja, I am an Ojibway from Wikwemikong Ontario. I have been creating crafts for many years, including beadwork, quill work, birchbark canoes, and now I currently am using native fabrics to sew ribbon skirts of all sizes, purses, men’s dress shirts, and various other creations that I think of. I am proud to display what unique articles the indigenous fabrics represent.

Bernice Collins-Shigwadaja, apparel & clothing, bags & wallets, beadwork, beader, birch bark, crafts, craft maker, quilling, quillwork, ribbon skirts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

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