Handbook to selling your work

Welcome to our Handbook!

This new page is a work in progress.

Here are a few resources that will help you to set up your IndigenARTSY store or your own e-commerce website.

For SHIPPING, you will need:

  • Canada Post Small Business Account - it's free and easy, you don't need a business number to have an account. Canada Post will even pick up your shipments in urban areas. You will need a credit card.
  • Scale
  • Tape measure
  • Label maker and paper
  • Boxes or envelopes (Staples/Uline/Amazon etc.)
  • Packing Tape and dispenser
  • Scrap paper, bubbles or bubble wrap to prevent damage while shipping.

*Your e-commerce website will have a Canada Post application that co-ordinates with a Canada Post Small Business Account.  If you don't use these together, your shipping fees will not match.

You will need to pick a box that fits your product(s) perfectly. Note the length, width, height and weight. Using metric (grams/cm) is more common than Imperial (inches/pounds) and metric is required for your IndigenARTSY.com store.

Also remember that the shipping your client pays for, is exactly how you must ship. If she buys 'Expedited', you must ship 'Expedited'. This e-commerce method is different from what you pay for at the post office but if you don't coordinate this, customers will complain and you will not be properly paid for shipping. Remember, we don't profit from shipping; it's a service that comes with the purchase.

For great PRODUCT PHOTOS, you will need:

  • White wall or backdrop with seamless paper (stand if you're using paper). If you are selling garments like ribbon shirts/skirts, etc. this is super helpful and will keep all the photos on your website consistent. You want photos to all have the same background to create visual consistency across your site. If you want to show size, consider using pencils instead of lighters or rulers or better yet, just put the size in your description.
  • Table
  • Light
  • Cell phone

Remember, if the photo is bad, people won't buy the product.

Great Products That We Use At IAC, Pass The Feather & IndigenARTSY.com

*Links are not promotional for any company or website but are tools that I have used for product photography and shipping.

photographytips, pass the feather,
Click here to find great photography tips that will help you sell on line! Also links to FREE photo editing apps and more!

social media, pass the feather
This link will bring you to Social Media Cheat Sheets and Templates that will help you make your images fit just right on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram!