Artist Free Membership Application

Free IAC Artist Membership

Welcome to the Indigenous Arts Collective. This is a free service for Indigenous artists. We are a non profit organization (registered charity) with the mandate to empower Indigenous artists. We are Indigenous women led and volunteer run.

While any Indigenous person can apply, priority will always go to Indigenous women and on reserve Indigenous artists. Limited funding will often narrow our membership acceptance to priority groups. 

Before filling out the form below, please review the eligibility requirements here:  

We also ask that you familiarize yourself with our updated Indigenous Identities Strategy

If you are eligible to apply, fill out the form below to the best of your ability and remember that membership acceptance relies upon your dedication to preserving the integrity of Indigenous arts and cultures, a clear Indigenous identity and women who above all find value in teaching the next generations. 

Indigenous Arts Collective, Native American art, First Nations art, aboriginal art, pass the feather

IAC Membership Application
Once you are finished, click 'submit' and wait. Because there are photos, this form will take some time to submit. This form is best done on a computer with high speed internet. If you cannot submit form, email form and answer all questions.
Many of us carry traditional names or more than one name due to displacement. If there are other names that you identify with, please feel free to let us know.
Please be specific. These categories will determine your placement in our directory. For example: moccasins, beadwork, dream catchers, jewelry, etc.

The Indigenous Arts Collective retains the right to reject membership and vendor application based on the evidence that an artist submits regarding identity.
While we cannot define who identifies as Indigenous, we ask that artists belong to, or have a connection to a certain Indigenous territory or community. In some cases, we will reach out to Indigenous communities/people to confirm these connections.

This non profit organization is for Indigenous artists only. We commit our resources to Indigenous artists only, and are very proud of our large artist membership. Additionally, the funding we are granted is specifically for Indigenous people and must be spent on the terms it was granted.

You MUST fully answer the following or your application may not be reviewed:

• Can you confirm that you are related by blood to living Indigenous people? Who are your people?
• Are you connected to an Indigenous reserve/community/nation by blood? Who are your people?

If you have no identification that shows your Indigenous connection(s), tell us here how you are related to living Indigenous persons or an Indigenous community. Provide community and family names and contact information. We will not retain this information but will use it to confirm identity only. You MUST fully answer the following: Confirm that you are related by blood to living Indigenous people? Who are your people? Confirm that you are connected to an Indigenous reserve/community/nation by blood? Who are your people?
We are proud to support Indigenous artists. If you retain an Indian Status card, band card, Inuit or Métis card please upload a photo here. We will never use or share this information with anyone/any business/any organization and once membership is approved, it will be deleted from all IAC files.
Please let us know what work you're interested in and we can help to get your name out there!
Please describe your work/workshop(s) here.
This will be public so customers can reach you.

Below type URLs (links) where people can contact you or see your work! Like Facebook, Etsy, Ebay, etc. We’ll add them to your page.

Are you in a Powwow circuit or have certain art shows or markets that you sell at regularly? List the dates and gatherings where you will sell your work so people can visit you.

PHOTOS ARE MANDATORY. To have a membership page, photos are mandatory.

Upload one profile photo of yourself and additional photos of your work. If there are no photos of your work, your application will not be reviewed. Extra photos can be sent to with the subject line: YOUR NAME/ADDITIONAL MEMBERSHIP PAGE PHOTOS

I give full permission for the IAC to create my membership listing on the website All of the information that I have provided in this form can be published on the website, marketing and social media connections. It is my responsibility to contact the IAC should any of my contact information change.