Workshops and Facilitators

Workshops and Facilitators

Bring Indigenous arts and culture to your classrooms, community centres and workplaces.

Workshops bring a better understanding of our Indigenous cultures, an opportunity to create ancient and spiritual art forms and encourage connection to your environment, Mother Earth and your surroundings.

All of these amazing artists offer one of a kind workshops in Indigenous art forms and the connecting spirituality and history.

Contact artists for more information about their workshops and locations and please see attached letter below regarding visiting artist and material fees. Fees will vary per artist - please value their material expenses, time and travel. Nia:wen. Thank you.


British Columbia



Newfoundland & Labrador

Nova Scotia



All Workshop Facilitators

Priscilla Omulo Qwa’up Creations -Indigenous man Painting

Priscilla Omulo | Qwa’up Creations

Al-Lisa woman riding turtle picture

Al-Lisa | Miss White Spider Arts

Trinity Antone | Rising Raven Creations

Jessica Rabbitskin Princess Heart Designs Beaded Flower Earrings

Jessica Rabbitskin | Princess Heart Designs

Jody L’Hirondelle Swanson Red Hot Pots Logo

Jody L’Hirondelle Swanson | Red Hot Pots

Darlene Maracle Purple Ribbon Skirt Apparel

Darlene Maracle | Aksótha Designs & Fabrics 

Heather Cabral Inspired by Nature Winter Tree Scape Painting

Heather Cabral | Inspired by Nature

Siera Hancharyk Inaabiwin Wiigwaas Long Beaded Earrings

Siera Hancharyk | Inaabiwin Wiigwaas 

Marcel Charlebois


Lajah Warren | Artwork by Lajah

Waaseyaabanokwe Star Cherie Jamieson Profile

Waaseyaabanokwe Star Cherie Jamieson

John Standingready Project Healing Logo

John Standingready | Project Healing

Therese Lalonde Regalia, Ribbon Skirt and purse

Therese Lalonde | Good Feather Woman

Bertha Dewolfe-Auger

Robert Spade | Ojibwe Art

Sadi Rose Vaxvick | ᓴᕀᑏ ᒥᐦᑯᑲᐧᓂᕀ 

Burlington Tooshkenig | Sweetgrass & Cinnamon

Mary Judy Sackanay | Wachi Medowin

Natasha Smoke Santiago

Ravennah Spade

Jennifer Conners

Kaiahtenhtas Thompson

Niiostosera:ah Thompson | Small Feather Empire

Crystal T. Henry

Saelym Degrandpre

Dîna Filippelli | Wolf Crafts

Tracey George-Heese | Timeless Shadows Apparel

Rikki Singleton | Riksworks

Joy Rogers | Karahkwa Jewelry

Youth4Youth Canada

Cassandra Tolley | Cass’s Native Beadwork

Frances Pasap- Red Jingle dress

Frances Pasap

Paula Naponse- Six Handmade Dolls

Paula Naponse | Ondarez

Desiree Sinicrope -Beaded Pooh Bear Moccasins

Desiree Sinicrope | City Bear Beads

Melissa Roberts

Robyn Ivory Pierson | Indigenously Infused

Spencer Lunham Jr

Kaysun Oke Indigenous Art

Kaysun Oke

Kristina Joe, cedar, weaving, digital art, graphic design, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Kristina Joe

Kaija Heitland, beadwork, quillwork, moccasins, fabric design, classes, beadwork kits, teaching, traditional skills sharing, workshop facilitator, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Kaija Heitland | Indigenous Nouveau

Brandie Maracle, clothing, crafts, apparel, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Brandie Maracle | Rez Girl Creations

Tobias Clarke, Moccasins, Beadwork, Haudenosaunee Raised Beadwork, Acrylic Painting, Painter, Drums, Jewelry, Crafts, Medicine Bags, Quill Work, Author

Tobias Clarke

Carol Fraser, drums, workshops, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Carol Fraser

April Stephan-Erikson, crafts, dreamcatchers, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

April Stephan-Erikson

Amber Kakiishiway, WoolDolls, Hair Extensions, Accessories, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Amber Kakiishiway

Shailla Manitowabie Cooke, Mukluks, moccasins, workshops, fashion, jewelry, accessories, hand bags, beadwork, jewelry, medallions, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Shailla Manitowabie Cooke

Alex Antle, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Alex Antle | Bunchberry Beadwork

Jessica Somers, painter, painting, feathers, woodwork, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Jessica Somers | Focal Point Artistry

Cheyenne McGinnis, beadwork, beader, pyrography, painting, painter, leatherwork, fine art, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Cheyenne McGinnis

Theresa Brant, Acrylic Artist, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Theresa Brant

Rose Moses, beadwork, beader, craft maker, crafts, painter, painting, workshop, Ojibwe Jingle Dress Doll, facilitator, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Rose Moses

Arachne Kelly, drawing, painting, painter, workshops, facilitator, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Margaret Konwawennontion Kelly

Georgina Crate, apparel & clothing, regalia, workshops, facilitator, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Georgina Crate

Theresa Cook, David Dearhouse, CD Baskets, basket making, workshops, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Theresa Cook & David Dearhouse | CD Baskets

Renée Dillard, basket maker, workshops, facilitator, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Renée Dillard

Rebekah Jarvey, multidisciplinary, feathers, regalia, covid-19 masks, workshops, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Rebekah Jarvey

Natalie-Rostad-Desjarlais-Wolfstone, painter, pass the feather

Natalie Rostad-Desjarlais

KC Adams, pottery, clay

KC Adams

Cedar and Sage, first nations, indigenous arts collective of canada, pass the feather.

Jane Lamure | Cedar and Sage

Indigenous, Indigenous woman, Women's Traditional Pow-wow Dancer, First Nation, aboriginal arts collective of Canada

Delree Dumont | Delree’s Native Art Gallery

Marlana Thompson, Indigenous artist, beader, bead work, jewellery, moccasins, sewing, regalia, ribbon skirts, first nations, indigenous arts collective of canada, pass the feather.

Marlana Thompson

Brandy Bloxom, Indigenous artist, photographer, photography, first nations, indigenous arts collective of canada, pass the feather.

Brandy Bloxom

Chandra Labelle, Ama Beads, beadwork, dreamcatchers, jewelry, leatherwork, workshops, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Chandra Labelle | Ama Beads

Pat Bruderer, birch biting, artist, aboriginal art, pass the feather, aboriginal arts collective of canada, workshops

Pat Bruderer

charlene raven tolley, beading, dream catcher, drums, aboriginal artist, workshops, pass the feather, aboriginal arts and collective

Charlene Raven Tolley | Raven’s Nest

Amy Willier, beading, artist, wolf, pass the feather, aboriginal arts and collective

Amy Willier

mohawk basketry, Robin Lazore, pass the feather

Robin Lazore

Mark Neal, painter, pass the feather, artist directory,

Mark Neal

dreamcatchers, pass the feather, artist directory,

Tanya Keech | Homespun Naturals by Tanya

wetsuweten, carving, pass the feather

Charrine Naziel-Lace | Wet’suwet’en Native Arts

tracey barnaby, painter,, pass the feather

Tracey Metallic

Millside Ceramics, pass the feather, first nations art directory, aboriginal arts collective of canada,

Marleen Murphy | Millside Ceramics

Hill's Creations, pass the feather, first nations art directory, aboriginal arts collective of canada, scholarships, grants, workshops, classroom art exchange

Susan Hill | Hill’s Creations

Ann Mitchell, basket maker,pass the feather, first nations art directory, aboriginal arts collective of canada, scholarships, grants, workshops, classroom art exchange

Ann Mitchell | Dream Weaver Basketry

Carrie Hill, basket maker, basketry, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Carrie Hill | Chill Baskets

pass the feather, aboriginal arts collective of canada, indigenous art, aboriginal art, indigenous art directory, indigenous art workshops, feathers

Dawn Iehstoseranon:nha

A note regarding visiting artist and material fees. This is a letter meant to be reviewed by organizations, business, school teachers and school boards before asking any Indigenous person to make a presentation in your classroom/school/community.

"Please don't take offence to this, I beg you. Unfortunately, I have to write this response to several school boards and/or teachers each week for the past number of years.

In my most sincere voice, I really wish that materials were not so expensive, but we (Indigenous workshop facilitators) cannot afford to buy them for your students, drive them there, present them and teach about them for 3 hours. Workshops are 'work'.

We encounter a lot of educators that want us (Indigenous people) to share our cultures in the classroom. We recognize that it is an opportunity to advance understanding of our cultures and we want to do so...we really do. Most of us even do it for free at first - that is, until we realize that the gas is coming out of our grocery money.

Coming to your classroom costs us a lot; a day away from work or family, gas, food (and sometimes hotel) the craft materials and, most importantly, we are sharing the most intimate parts of our lives - our spirituality.

Collectively, Indigenous people are trying to help change the way Canadians understand us. Historically we have been undervalued as contributors to Canadian culture...Tell me, what has changed if we cannot even reconcile fees for our expenses? Why are we invited?

Educators are getting paid to be in the school and teach in the classroom - it seems unfair to ask us to do it for free or even to break even. Teaching your non-Indigenous children is not our obligation - we have our own communities, children and youth to take care of.

Please pass this along to your colleagues. I dare to speak on behalf of Indigenous women in the classrooms."

Nia:wen and kindest regards,

Dawn  Iehsthóserinon:nha  (She Keeps the Feathers)