Sarah Rousselle | Bead and Soul

Sarah Rousselle, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Sarah Rousselle

Sarah Rousselle

Anishinaabe, Biigtigong Nishnabeg

Hi! My name is Sarah, and I am Anishinaabe of the Bear Clan. My community is Biigtigong Nishnabeg in Ontario, Canada, where I was born and raised and lived until I was 25 years old.

Growing up I was surrounded by many creative women including my aunties, grandmother, and mom, who nurtured my creativity and passion for art and fashion.

Sarah Rousselle, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

I would often raid my mom's or Nokomis' bead tins. I loved sitting at my mom's sewing machine or watching Nokomis bead tiny moccasins for all the cousins and babies. She later taught me how to make my very first pair of mocs, which ignited my passion for beadwork.

I have been designing and selling jewelry for over 10 years and in the last 3 years have immersed myself in beadwork.

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