Darlene Maracle
Darlene Maracle
Mohawk, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
Darlene Maracle is Kanien’kehá:ka from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. She has been sewing since she was young taught by her grandmother Vellis Brant Maracle and her mother Bertha Maracle both who were seamstresses. She has created unique Ribbon Skirts, Ribbon Shirts and Regalia for special events including weddings; graduations; ceremonies and other indigenous events. She collaborated and taught Ribbon Vest and Ribbon Skirt classes at Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre, Queens University.
“I enjoy designing and creating traditional and fashionable clothing with indigenous fabric and designs. I look forward to share and collaborate with you.”
In 2022 Aksótha Designs & Fabrics shop was opened in Tyendinaga carrying an extensive selection of fabrics, ribbons and notions specializing in Indigenous fabrics supporting indigenous designers. A selection of fabrics and designs can be found on FB. Visit Aksótha’s to find unique fabrics and ribbons in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
Darlene teaches workshops in sewing for Ribbon Skirts and Vests. She is currently facilitating workshops at Queens University and on request.
Please contact artist for details, pricing, and availability.
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