Delores Maracle Whalen

Delores Maracle Whalen Tyendinaga Native Women’s Association

Delores Maracle Whalen

Delores Maracle Whalen

Mohawk of Tyendinaga, Ontario

I learned my art ability from my community and other meeting groups. I was raised outside of my community, but when my children were gone to challenge the world on their own, I was drawn to my native community. So, my husband and I bought the property and built a house. I became involved in the community through relatives, and started volunteering with the Tyendinaga Native Women’s Association. That was my saving grace, especially after the loss of my husband.

Today, I am still working with the Tyendinaga Native Women’s Association, plus a few others I have volunteered with over the years. The Native Women’s Association provides luncheons for families that have lost a loved ones, and this is my passion, and commitment.

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Delores is the chair of the Tyendinaga Native Women's Association. The Tyendinaga Native Women's Association is a charitable organization that provides catering services in the community. They also do beadwork and work with leather to raise funds for their cause.

Click below to learn more about the Tyendinaga Native Women's Association.

Membership Identification Status

Mohawk of Tyendinaga