Renee Jewell

Renee Jewell, stained glass, decor, glass, crafts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Renee Jewell

Renee Jewell

Oneida of the Thames

My name is Renee Jewell, I am a registered member of Oneida of the Thames who grew up on Walpole Island. I am the mother of 5 and Gramma of 2. In 2011, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident which left me with injuries that later triggered anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Renee Jewell, stained glass, decor, glass, crafts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Upon advice from a health practitioner, I decided to do an activity that would be a positive distraction. I chose stained glass as I was always interested in it and my work is inspired by Indigenous designs.

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Membership Identification Status

IAC Indigenous Identification Strategy First Nations Indian Status Card
Oneida of the Thames