Tsatia Adzich

Tsatia Adzich, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Tsatia Adzich

Tsatia Adzich

Métis, Tri River Métis Community

Tsatia is currently a PhD student at Simon Fraser University in Geography. Their research mainly focuses on the urban Indigenous kinship networks and artistic connections within communities. For years, Tsatia’s primary relationship to beadwork and artistic traditions was supporting Indigenous artists by buying their creations as inspiration for their own creative and academic practice – Tsatia never felt like they could create beautiful works like they were seeing for sale.

Tsatia Adzich, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Although Tsatia was raised with Métis beadwork teachings from Elders and Métis artists as a child, she never considered herself an artist. It was not until 2 years ago during the COVID-19 pandemic when the Surrey Urban Indigenous Leadership Committee and Skookum Surrey started offering virtual beading circles for community members that Tsatia recognized their love and skill for bead work. With the support and empowerment from her teachers and other generous members of the Skookum Surrey Artist Collective, Tsatia decided to pursue this passion as an artist.

Now Tsatia beads almost every Thursday night with the Collective and continues to improve upon her skills and learn more about herself as an artist.

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Membership Identification Status

Métis Nation of British Columbia