Al-Lisa | Miss White Spider Arts

Al-Lisa woman riding turtle picture



Secwepemc First Nation, British Columbia

I am a multidisciplinary artist working from home in the beautiful Fraser Valley. I am surrounded by vast open farmlands, beautiful mountains, hills, cedar forests and wild nature. I also hail from, and live part-time in the Cariboo Chilcotin, a place of diverse majestic landscapes, timeless beauty, and rich cultural ancestral heritage.

Untitled Artwork

I have a passion for the fine arts. I am inspired by the natural world, its multi-cultural symphony and all the precious critters. I aim to capture the sharing of realms, the physical with the spiritual, what is seen and unseen. All co-existing, yet not always detectible with the human eye. I strive to express beyond words, beauty, wonder, connection, and playfulness.

I work with various artistic mediums, most prominently water colour, acrylic, but also work with oils, ink, and Pastel. I am availible for custom artwork commissions, book illustration and people and or animal portraits. facilitate art workshops for all ages, one on one and groups. My creative sessions are either in person or online. I also create graphic arts for print design and book illustrations can be either didgital or hand painted.


Al-Lisa is a teacher and facilitator of:

  • Painting (Paint night) workshops

Please contact artist for details, pricing, and availability, or visit for booking.

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Please visit MissWhiteSpiderArts on Etsy, or on IndigenARTSY to purchase Al-Lisa’s work, or contact them for any inquiries.

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Secwepemc First Nation