Niiostosera:ah Thompson | Small Feather Empire

Niiostosera:ah Thompson

Niiostosera:ah Thompson

Mohawk, Akwesasne

Niiostosera:ah (Small Feather) Thompson, Founder, Deer clan, is a Haudenosaunee Raised Beadwork Artist from Akwesasne Mohawk First Nation. She started creating beadwork since she was young, and some would say "she was born to bead."

Niiostoseraah Thompson

Niiostosera:ah was taught by her mother Margaret Thompson, a self-taught bead artist that began her artistic career making dreamcatchers.

Niiostosera:ah possesses a wide variety of Indigenous art forms including moccasins making, pottery, painting, quillwork, tufting, and fashion design. She is a firm believer in cultural revitalization and does so by teachings workshops for everyone to learn more about her culture and heritage.


Niiostosera:ah is a teacher and facilitator of cultural workshops.

Please contact artist for details, pricing, and availability.

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Membership Identification Status

Mohawks of Akwesasne