Ronald Joseph Kerr

Ronald Joseph Kerr Black Feather Hat

Ronald Joseph Kerr

Ronald Joseph Kerr

Red River Métis, Manitoba

I learned a basic form of reforming fur felt hats, most of the hats I use are at least 30+ years old. I will transform let’s say a cowboy hat into a boss of the plains or a high top fedora style hat I love to partner with other artists! I use Indigenous based material for liners and bands, I use natural products such as fur and leathers in my designs.
As a Red River Métis I incorporate include Ojibway / Métis beaded flowers into my designs. The hats are one of a kind and take many hours to reform and to obtain inspiration for the design. I have had no formal training in hat reforming and do all of my work by hand.

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Membership Identification Status

Manitoba Métis Federation