Upload Identity Verification

Upload Your Identification Verification Document

In this very dangerous time of identity fraud, non Indigenous people are trying to access funding that is meant for Indigenous artists only. We are here to ensure that our funding ONLY goes to Indigenous artists. In order to keep your membership with the IACC and to continue using our platforms and benefiting from IACC programming such as discounts, promotions and news you must submit the proper identification.

This is a safe and secure place to upload a photo of your identification.
We do not retain your private documents and we do share them with anyone.
This process is to make sure that IACC supports only Indigenous people. We do not tolerate identity fraud nor do we use our resources to support people who are not authentically Indigenous.
Thank you for understanding and updating your information.

For more information on the documents required and IACC Membership criteria, click here: https://indigenousartscollective.org/membership-criteria/

Your name as it is on your IACC Membership Profile Page.
Your email address. *If you need to update your email with us, please put your new one here.
Upload a photo of your identification here. Be patient, large files/photos will take a moment to upload.
Upload a photo of your identification here. Be patient, large files/photos will take a moment to upload.

In this dangerous time of identity fraud, the IACC is taking measures to ensure that our funding and programming directly serves Indigenous peoples.

You are required to upload a photo of a recognized identification card (Status Card, Band Card). Artists identifying as Métis must be connected to one of the following Métis organizations: Manitoba Metis Federation, Métis Nation-Saskatchewan, Métis Nation of Alberta, Métis Nation British Columbia, Métis Nation of Ontario. Inuit identification is various and accepted, we reserve the right to connect, explore and confirm so we may have a better understanding of diverse Indigenous identities.

We understand that not all Indigenous people desire to be registered and acknowledge that the Indian Act is outdated. If you do not have identification, you must explain why and describe yourself in a way that demonstrates that you are Indigenous and connected to an Indigenous community and related to living Indigenous people. *This option will require you to include specific names of community and your living relatives, their identification and formal documentation.

We also understand that not all people who self identify as Indigenous fit into the identities/communities that we have defined above. In compliance with our mandate to prioritize Indigenous women and on reserve artists, we choose to dedicate the majority of our resources to people who identify as part of those specific communities. We also prioritize on reserve artists and those who identify as Indigenous women. Should our resources grow in the future, we will review and possibly expand our acceptance requirements.

Your identification will be deleted from our possession. We do not keep copies of anyone’s identification once an application membership has been approved.

More information: https://indigenousartscollective.org/membership-criteria/

To submit more documents or ask questions: contact@indigenousartscollective.org

If you know your membership link, you can add it here. It's okay of you don't, we will reach out. Search membership artists here: https://indigenousartscollective.org/search-iacc-artists/