Artist Directory


Renee Jewell, stained glass, decor, glass, crafts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Renee Jewell

Riannon Tsosie, beadwork, jewelry, sewing, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Riannon Tsosie

Rikki Singleton | Riksworks

RobArt, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Robert Joseph

Robert Spade | Ojibwe Art

mohawk basketry, Robin Lazore, pass the feather

Robin Lazore

Robyn Ivory Pierson | Indigenously Infused

Rod Borghese, pass the feather, first nations art directory, aboriginal arts collective of canada, scholarships, grants, workshops

Rod Borghese

Ronald Joseph Kerr Black Feather Hat

Ronald Joseph Kerr

Rosalee Mitchell, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Rosalee Mitchell | Raónraon Creations

Rose Mckenzie, Apparel & Clothing, beadwork, beader, ribbon skirt, mixed medium, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Rose Mckenzie

Rose Moses, beadwork, beader, craft maker, crafts, painter, painting, workshop, Ojibwe Jingle Dress Doll, facilitator, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Rose Moses

Ruby Sweezey | Ruby’s Art Metal Decor

Ryan Woodruff Indigenous Art

Ryan Woodruff

Sabrina Ettagiak Spider Lady -Pink Paw Patrol Dreamcatcher

Sabrina Ettagiak | Spider Lady

Sadi Rose Vaxvick | ᓴᕀᑏ ᒥᐦᑯᑲᐧᓂᕀ 

Saelym Degrandpre

Sage Karihwenhawe Hegdal

pass the feather, samantha Jacobs, pass the feather, first nations art directory, aboriginal arts collective of canada, scholarships, grants, workshops, classroom art exchange,

Samantha Jacobs

Samantha Stevens, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Samantha Stevens | GokmisCreations

Sara Begg, painting, painter, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Sara Begg

Sarah Fraser, crafts, craft maker, headdress, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Sarah Fraser

Sarah Rousselle, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Sarah Rousselle | Bead and Soul

Saraphine Recalma Blue, White, Black, Purple Artwork Design

Saraphine Recalma

Sayokla Kindness Williams, pass the feather, indigenous arts collective of canada, native artist, indigenous art

Sayokla Kindness Williams

Sean Rayland, clothing, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Sean Rayland

Selena Sawan, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Selena Sawan

Shailla Manitowabie Cooke, Mukluks, moccasins, workshops, fashion, jewelry, accessories, hand bags, beadwork, jewelry, medallions, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Shailla Manitowabie Cooke

Shalene Keepness, sewing, regalia, ribbon skirts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Shalene Keepness

Shane Mcree

Shannon Souray, beader, beadwork, jewelry, quillwork, quills, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Shannon Souray

Shar Wilson, Authentic Indigenous Wearable Art, Indigenous Graphic Design, Illustrator, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Shar Wilson

Sharifah Marsden, Jewelry, paintings, prints, murals, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Sharifah Marsden

Sharon Burritt, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Sharon Burritt

Sharon Jones | Qisik Creations

Sharon McKeigan, Beadwork, beader, hats, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Sharon McKeigan

Sharon Robinson, craft maker, crafts, jewelry, jewelry maker, dreamcatchers, sterling silver, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Sharon Robinson

Sherry crawford, sharing circle, learning, aboriginal artist, aboriginal artwork, pass the feather, aboriginal arts and collective

Sherry Crawford | White Bear Standing

Shilo Cote | Quality Quills

Shoneena Lee Loss, Hand Harvested Traditional Plant Products, Certified Holistic Practitioner, Indigenous Doula, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Shoneena Lee Loss

Shonta Campbell | Decolonial Bimbo

Shyanne Marie, Bead work, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Shyanne Marie

Sidney Paul | Mamabear Beading & Creations

Siera Hancharyk Inaabiwin Wiigwaas Long Beaded Earrings

Siera Hancharyk | Inaabiwin Wiigwaas 

Spencer Lunham Jr

Tanya Zilinski, beadwork, beader, dreamcatcher, crafts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Speplól Tanya Zilinski 

Stacey Desmoulin, Jewelry, beadwork, dreamcatchers, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Stacey Desmoulin

Stacey Mitchell, Apparel & Clothing, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Stacey Mitchell

Stacey Rogers, Portraiture, Drawing, pencil, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Stacey Rogers

beading, painting, drawing, mohawk artist, starhorn, pass the feather, aboriginal arts and collective

Star Horn

Stephanie Babij, painter, painting, drawing, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Stephanie Babij | Creations by Steph

Stephanie Caribou Bear within Bear Paw Painting 1

Stephanie Caribou

Stephanie White, Sweetgrass, dream catcher, quillwork, painting, jewelry, baskets, seal skin, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Stephanie White

Steve Bachnick

Steven Lawton, Miqmak, Stone Carver, carving, indigenous carver, Indigenous artist, first nations, indigenous arts collective of canada, pass the feather, indigenous art, aboriginal art, indigenous art directory

Steven Lawton | Mi’kmaw Stone Carver

Sue Forget, painter, pass the feather, first nations art, native art,

Sue Forget

Hill's Creations, pass the feather, first nations art directory, aboriginal arts collective of canada, scholarships, grants, workshops, classroom art exchange

Susan Hill | Hill’s Creations

Suzan Kostiuck, Indigenous artist, painting, painter, moccasins, bead work, beader, first nations, indigenous arts collective of canada, pass the feather.

Suzan Kostiuck

Tabatha Dodge, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tabatha Dodge | Sweetest Dreamzzz

Tammy Beauvais, Apparel & Clothing, bags, accessories, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tammy Beauvais


Tammy Brant

dreamcatchers, pass the feather, artist directory,

Tanya Keech | Homespun Naturals by Tanya

Tara Arnatsiaq-Barnes, Beading, beadwork, sealskin, face mask, painting, apparel, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tara Arnatsiaq-Barnes

Tara Audibert, graphic arts and design, multidisciplinary, digital, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tara Audibert

Taylor Shianne Homer | Rose of Shianne Beading

moccasins, honey, tealey products and the honey lodge, pass the feather, aboriginal arts and collective, artist

Tealey Normandin | Tealey Products & The Honey Lodge

Teresa Vanader Meer-Chase, bead work, installation art, upcycled art, aboriginal arts collective of canada, pass the feather

Teresa Vander Meer-Chasse

Terri Hansen, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Terri Hansen


Teuh Bousquet | Kiyamashtew Creations

Theresa Brant, Acrylic Artist, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Theresa Brant

Theresa Buker, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Theresa Buker

Theresa Burning, beader, beadwork, jewelry, quillwork, quills, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Theresa Burning

Theresa Cook, David Dearhouse, CD Baskets, basket making, workshops, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Theresa Cook & David Dearhouse | CD Baskets

Therese Lalonde Regalia, Ribbon Skirt and purse

Therese Lalonde | Good Feather Woman

Thomas B. Maracle, artist, stone, wood, antler, corn husk, pass the feather, aboriginal arts and collective

Thomas B. Maracle

Deanna Therriault, drawing, painting, painter, storyteller, visual arts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Thomas Starwalker Clair

Tina Daniels

Tobias Clarke, Moccasins, Beadwork, Haudenosaunee Raised Beadwork, Acrylic Painting, Painter, Drums, Jewelry, Crafts, Medicine Bags, Quill Work, Author

Tobias Clarke

Todd Longboat

Tonya lee, leatherwork, Moccasins, dreamcatchers, medicine bags, crafts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tonya Lee

Tracey Pawis, Quillwork, moccasins, sweetgrass, candles, pastel art, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tracey Boshdayosgaykwe Pawis

Tracey George-Heese | Timeless Shadows Apparel

Tracey Grienke, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Tracey Grienke

Tracey Lynne Towedo, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tracey Lynne Towedo | Kokumoon

tracey barnaby, painter,, pass the feather

Tracey Metallic

Tracey Pelly Beaded Diamond Shaped Earrings

Tracey Pelly

Tracy Desjarlais, beadwork, beader, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tracy Desjarlais

Tracy Sarazin

Tricia lreland, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tricia lreland

Trinity Antone | Rising Raven Creations

Tsatia Adzich, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Tsatia Adzich

Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Tsiokeriio Hagen

Tyendinaga Native Women’s Association logo

Tyendinaga Native Women’s Association 

Valerie Dumoulin, jewelry, beadwork, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Valerie Dumoulin

Resilient Inuk Creations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Vanessa Brousseau | Resilient Inuk Creations

Vanessa Myra David, crafts, leatherwork, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Vanessa Myra David

Vicki Gardner Johnson

Victoria Ransom, beadwork, beader, drawing, painting, painter, jewelry, jewelry maker, visual arts, pen and ink designs, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Victoria Ransom

Vina Wolf, Clothing, footwear, accessories, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Vina Wolf

Virginia Gardner, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

Virginia Gardner

Vivianne Sheshamuch, painting, artost, art work, aboriginal art, pass the feather, aboriginal arts collective of canada

Vivianne Sheshamush

Waaseyaabanokwe Star Cherie Jamieson Profile

Waaseyaabanokwe Star Cherie Jamieson

Wanda Pelletier Blue, Red, Yellow, Green Northern Lights Ribbon Skirt

Wanda Pelletier

Wendy Alexander, painter, painting, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Wendy Alexander

Wennekerakon Tiewishaw-Poirier -Cartoon Indigenous Character

Wennekerakon Tiewishaw-Poirier

Wesley Havill, blacksmith, carving, moose antler, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Wesley Havill

Whitney S. Whiteduck, painter, artist, aboriginal art, aboriginal paining, pass the feather, aboriginal arts collective of canada

Whitney S. Whiteduck

William-Montague, painter, passthefeather

William Monague

Youth4Youth Canada

Zoey Roy, Poetry, Spoken Word, Music, Hip Hop, Teacher, Performing Arts, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Zoey Roy

Zorga Qaunaq | Tatiggat