Ashley Bensoussan | Two Embers

Ashley Bensoussan, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

Ashley Bensoussan

Ashley Bensoussan

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

My name is Ashley Bensoussan and I grew up just outside of Tyendenaga Mohawk Territory. My younger sister has truly been the driving force behind the majority of my family learning more about our culture over the past few years. As she gained the knowledge, she passed it on throughout our family which has led to many of us continuing on our journey of reconnection with our roots.

Ashley Bensoussan, beadwork, jewelry, Indigenous Artist, First Nations, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Pass The Feather

I found a form of connection that celebrated the beauty of our culture not just focused on the traumas and as someone who loves to create, beading came about naturally for me. Once I finally got started I was immediately consumed by my love for this art form and it has since become my place of refuge. I love making custom orders for my clients as well as selling the designs I come up with on my own.

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Membership Identification Status

Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte