Deborah Aaron - Giizhigat Maple Products
Deborah Aaron
Six Nations of the Grand River
Giizhigat Maple Products (GMP) is 100% Indigenous owned and operated. It is owned by husband & wife team, Isaac Day & Deborah Aaron. Isaac is Anishinaabe (Ojibway) from Serpent River First Nation while Deborah is Kanyen' keha':ka (Mohawk) from Six Nations of the Grand River.

The name Giizhigat in Anishinaabe translates to Day; Giizhigat is Isaac's original family name prior to being translated to English by Government agents years ago. Deborah & Isaac's families have been producing maple syrup for many generations. They continued the tradition of tapping trees on their property at Six Nations - a time when Deborah's father could share the tradition and knowledge with their children/grandchildren. When they purchased their farm on St. Joseph Island, they had no intention to produce maple syrup but couldn't help noticing the opportunity. Deborah & Isaac began purchasing modern maple equipment in 2012 and had their first maple run in 2015. GMP has approximately 3000 taps on their maple farm on St. Joseph Island. The long-term vision of the company is to reinvest profits to build a teaching lodge -- Rainbow Thunder Star Mountain -- a place where all are welcome to learn the Universal Star Lodge Teachings that Isaac has been gifted to carry, a place for all to learn how to reconnect with our Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun. A place where all human beings can learn to live in peace and harmony.