Mary Ann Hilts | Little Fox’s Dreams

Mary Ann Hilts

Mary Ann Hilts

Algonquin, Ontario

I am a self taught artist born and raised in Milton Ontario. I consider myself "Urban Indigenous" as I was not a part of a reserve or any band until I was an adult.

I began making dreamcatchers about 25 years ago. Growing up, I did not have a connection to my Indigenous heritage (or so I thought) and I hoped that by creating something that was easily identified as "native" I would feel some sort of connection. However, the more I learn about my heritage and culture, I've come to realize that I have always had a connection, it is just a part of our life.

I am self taught through books, videos and a lot of trial and error. It began as a hobby and throughout the years I have learned many different ways to create dreamcatchers and incorporate them into other art. Most of the materials that I use to create my products have been harvested through hunting and gathering or purchased directly from Indigenous businesses.

MaryAnnHilts, Indigenous Arts Collective of Canada, Native American Art, First Nations Art

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