Mary Judy Sackanay | Wachi Medowin

Mary Judy Sackanay | Wachi Medowin

Mary Judy Sackanay

Albany First Nation,

Mary Judy Sackanay's Spirit Name is Wachi Medowin, translation “Mountain Song.”

Judy is from Albany First Nation (Treaty 9 territory), and both of her parents, the Late Jean Sackaney nee LongPeter & Joseph Sackaney are Indian Residential School Survivors.

Now a Grandmother and a Mother of three (3) sons and 4 grandchildren, she is a proud member of her community. Judy is currently living and practicing her traditional culture of hunting, cultural teachings, harvesting medicines, and other cultural ceremonies, and she is a recent apprentice of Falconry!

Judy has personal interactions with "Ochiskicho" (Bigfoot, aka Gitchi Sabe, Sasquatch and many more languages) during ceremonies and was guided to paint the Clan she has been interacting with in Physical and Spirit. Judy is also the founder of Sackaney Art, hashtag #sackaneyart, alongside her son, and other artists.

Her goals are to inspire people to be creative and find peace within themselves, and move forward in their own way of reconciliation and healing.

“Our "Nishnawbeg" - First Nations People are so rich in our oral stories and history with other Interdimensional Spiritual Beings such as the Little People, Wendigo, Fairies, Mermaid/men, Wesakechak, Chakabesh, and Bigfoot, just to name a few. [These beings and stories] provide teachings to be good to ourselves and others[.] [W]alk in a good path [with]spiritual connections to our culture, - the time is now to share.” says Sackaney.


Judy is a teacher and facilitator of various workshops & ceremonies.

Judy is also a Traditional Practitioner/Healer, Tea Leaf, and Oracle Reader.

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Membership Identification Status

Albany First Nation