Shane Mcree

Shane Mcree

Shane Mcree

Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, British Columbia

I grew up in a home where creating was competition. My late grandpa, Logan Alexis, was a carpenter singer, drum maker, and hunter, while my grama sang and sewed. My uncles played sports, sang, painted, and played in bands; If you weren’t good at something you were left behind! So, I played sports thinking I wasn't a good artist, but as time went on, I started watching my family’s painting, carving and creating from afar. I would chill with my grama just to keep her company but as I did, I learned the basics of sewing. The color instinct comes from deep down in my soul, so with that I would like to now share my work.


Shane is an Indigenous musician, performance artist, actor and dancer.

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Membership Identification Status

Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation