Tina Daniels

Tina Daniels

Tina Daniels

Ojibway, Long Plain First Nation

I am an Ojibway from Long Plain First Nation. I grew up mostly in Winnipeg but have lived in Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver. I learned to bead when I was 37 years old. I was taught to bead by friend who knew my family since I was a small girl. She had so much beautiful work and was a patient teacher. I would like to teach and inspire others as she did.

I currently live in Long Plain with my children and take care of my niece and nephew who I consider my own children. I have taught my niece how to loom, use peyote stick and flat bead. I have been wanting to share and display what I have created because of how much I love to create them. If I see a picture and it gives me an idea I get excited to bead and watch as it takes shape into the finished product.

Lately I have been creating gifts for my children and family but if anyone is interested in what I have made I would gladly sell in hopes that it would be enjoyed as much as I enjoyed to create it.

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Membership Identification Status

Long Plain First Nation