It is with our deepest sadness that we announce the passing of Cathy Elliot. An unexpected accident has taken her way too young. We will leave her page to commemorate her wonderful work. Cathy was a lover of the arts and an invaluable asset to many communities.
Cathy Elliott
Cathy Elliott
Cathy Elliott was a Mi'kmaq /Irish /Acadian down-Easter artist that resided in the Toronto area. As well as being an artist, she was learning Mi'kmaq. While making her jewelry, she used to learn a Mi'kmaq word for every piece she made. She loved working in the arts, her dogs, her home in the country and her partner very much. She enjoyed singing, acting, writing and composing. She lived an incredible life and that was reflected in her work.

2 thoughts on “Cathy Elliott | Awo’kwejit Hemp Creations”
Thank you so much for this! When I have some Powwow information, I’ll be sure to post it here. This is a fantastic idea for vendors, because vendors go through so much to get their works out there, to support the Powwows. Sometimes they sell nothing, they survive through storms (I’ve seen two of them this summer, and did okay, but pity the poor folks who lost their merchandise and tents to wind and rain!) I’m pretty new at this, so I really appreciate the support you’re giving me. Wela’lin!
Cathy, we’re honoured to show your art. Once we get a few more people, we’ll get the Powwow listing going!
We’re going to help everybody survive!
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