Chelsea Brooks
Chelsea Brooks
Indian Brook First Nation, Nova Scotia
My name is Chelsea Brooks, I am from the community of Indian Brook, Nova Scotia. I first started painting at the age of 2 years old! My father, David J. Brooks was a great & well known Mi’kmaq Artist.
His artwork is featured in the Art Gallery Of Nova Scotia, as well as the murals outside of the Native Friendship Centre in Halifax. He has and always will continue to inspire and influence my artwork.
In 2014, I was featured on the cover of Canadian Aboriginal Books for Schools Catalogue. I have been a guest speaker and recently did a story for CBC titled, Her Fathers Spirit.
My creative process begins with having the right frame of mind. I believe in doing good things and good will come back to you. I then get ideas from being outdoors – looking at the sky. A lot of the time I will imagine my paintings in my mind, then I will plan out details and the colours I will use. I also believe that, when I paint, my dad guides me through each piece of art I create.
Each time I create a painting, or make a custom painting for someone, I am giving you not only a painting, but I am also giving you my time, energy, thought process, heart, and my soul.

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