Therese Lalonde | Good Feather Woman

Therese Lalonde Regalia, Ribbon Skirt and purse

Therese Lalonde

Therese Lalonde

Dakota Sioux, Kanesatake

I am Dakota Sioux living in Kanesatake with the Kaniakeha since 2013. I previously lived in Iqaluit for 8 years while I worked for Rannva Design in Apex.

I was raised in Two Mountains, Quebec but prefer living in Oka as I'm closer to Montreal.

I have been a seamstress since I was 15, and have worked for a few Designers. I have since joined the Quebec Native Women Association and they allowed me to do talking stick ceremony and decorations. I also create Medicine Bags and pouches.

Therese Lalonde Profile


Therese teacher and facilitator of:

-Talking stick ceremonies,

-Medicine bag/pouch demonstrations and workshops,

-Ribbon skirts/shirt demonstrations and workshops,

-Inuk style mitt demonstrations and workshops

-Moccasin demonstrations and workshops.


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Membership Identification Status

Dakota Sioux